Category Archives: YWAM International


TWO OF OUR STAFF, Wheng Abarabar, and Jonathan Graham, just graduated from Making Disciples Makers (MDM) after 6 WEEKS of online training with other around the country! Let’s hear from them what they have been learning at this time of course of leadership training.   Jonathan Graham   Wheng Abarabar   Like […]

INTERCESSION as a MISSION — YWAM’s Foundational Value #4

INTERCESSION as a MISSION — YWAM’s Foundational Value #4 — 1 Timothy 2:1 PRACTICE WORSHIP & INTERCESSION—Foundational Value #4: YWAM is dedicated to worship God and engage in intercessory prayer as integral aspects of daily life. We also recognize the intent of Satan to destroy the work of God and we rely upon God’s empowering […]

Global Prayer Initiative

YWAM MOVEMENT – GLOBAL PRAYER INITIATIVE SEPTEMBER 2020 All YWAMers are invited to assemble before God, locally and virtually, throughout the world to worship, listen and respond to God in the present of circumstances globally and to receive from God a renewed commissioning/anointing to be his agents of hope in the days ahead. Today September […]

Family Ministry and Honoring at Buckingham Palace

    We take a look at YWAM foundational value #15 which is about Families, and there are Youth With A Mission ministries all over the world with a focus on families, YWAM Romania outreaches to the party scene on the coastal beaches of the Black Sea, YWAM Thessaloniki looks at buying an old sex […]