5The Discipleship Training Week Graduation last June 11th

Our 5th Batch Graduation was last Friday the 11th for the Discipleship Training Week which had 15 participants. The DTW was led by Kit Omlang.🎓
We have one more DTW scheduled for next week (June 12 to 17) with 34 participants expected. Registration is CLOSED.🔒
They will arrive on a Sunday afternoon and Graduate on Friday at 3:00pm

Meanwhile, we have two upcoming Discipleship Training SCHOOLS (the 24 week course)! ✝️✝️
▶️ July 3 to December 16th led by Maricel Encina and
▶️ September 25, 2022 to March 10, 2023 led by Mitch Metzger.
Apply now! 📝

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