MARCH 15th — some of the older furniture is getting a makeover this week by some of the staff.
MARCH 15th — Sobita Dorathi, who has been with us for a few years, serving as volunteer staff, and attended our School of Worship and assisted with a Discipleship Training School has now returned back to Bangladesh.
Removing some wirings in old dormitory and lecture room in preparation for demolition starting April 5th.
Charizze Navarro, will be leaving the Antipolo Training Center for a few months of more training at the YWAM Talisay Base in Cebu. She will be attending the three month WORD BY HEART course. We’ll be following her progress. Cebu is in the middle of the Philippines.
March is probably one of our biggest birthday months with many having birthdays during this season. Beverly Perez is one of our first ones on March 8th. Mitch Metzger will come later, Lingling Plaza, Kezia Goodchild, and Victoria Metzger towards the end on the 27th. More posts to follow.
PAID IN FULL! YWAM Antipolo Volunteer staff, and Kitchen Manager, Janieth Pace III, completed her goiter removal surgery and will be returning home today! All bills have been PAID! Praise the Lord! Now, six months of medicine and monthly checkups and she should be good to go! [An estimated] $600 to $700 will still be […]
Our assistance with the tutoring of a select batch of 10 sponsored students from the community marches on! Our volunteer staff rotate shifts in serving these young people. Guaranteed, by the time they graft themselves back into the schools, when covid restrictions are lifted, they will be ahead of the game.
Janieth has been saving, and raising money for her GOITER REMOVAL surgery this February 2021. She completed the surgery and is expected to return back to our Center for recovery. As of the morning of the 24th February, she has doctors fees of over Php100,000 ($2,000+/-) remaining. We are waiting for the doctor’s “payment plan” […]
FEB 20, 2021 — Saturday —We taught. We played. We sung. We worshiped together. We talked about Him. All glory to Him alone! The kids came from one of the four areas we normally minister in that surround our Training Center. “The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven”
Many of the staff & students from the Antipolo Training Center went to across the highway, walking distance from our Center, for publi8c Bible reading in the market and sidewalk areas. The reading PUBLIC, the Word of God is a type of open air activity for evangelistic purposes.