Author Archives: Mitch Metzger

THE MINISTRY OF COOKING at the YWAM Antipolo Training Center

THE MINISTRY OF COOKING —at the YWAM Antipolo Training Center Everyday, different teams are assigned to the kitchen for meal prep. We seldom have less than 26 people in the building. During training seasons, we will have over 50 people in the dining area — sometimes more!   Script writer, camera and editing credits to: […]


MARKETING DAY ADVENTURE —a special production from the YWAM Antipolo Training Center in the Philippines Every Wednesday is our marketing day. All the menu items and grocery items are purchased to feed approx 28 people for one week.   Kitchen Manager: Janieth Pace III Driver & Assistant: Jonathan Graham Camera & Editing: Mitch Metzger   […]

Global Prayer Initiative

YWAM MOVEMENT – GLOBAL PRAYER INITIATIVE SEPTEMBER 2020 All YWAMers are invited to assemble before God, locally and virtually, throughout the world to worship, listen and respond to God in the present of circumstances globally and to receive from God a renewed commissioning/anointing to be his agents of hope in the days ahead. Today September […]

Online Zoom Meetings

Nearly all around the world, executives, managers, and leadership, has had to adapt to new forms of communication models for conducting meetings. Missionaries are no different. Missionaries, and other non-profits, such as ourselves, have taken advantage of online zoom meetings. The online zoom meetings, for one thing, have saved a lot of money and time […]


With two schools postponed this year because of the pandemic,YWAM Antipolo, Philippines, gladly announces its comeback!The continuation of its schools for year 2021! We now accept applications for both:JANUARY DTS 2021 & THE SCHOOL OF WORSHIP 2021which will start on January 24, 2021. Do you know someone who wants to take these schools?Then, download and […]